Media Coverage

Here are some articles and interviews i was asked to be part of this year!

RacketMN w/ Jessica Armbruster

Check out an article from my talk with Jessica Armbruster from! We discussed more about the process behind my food earrings!

“It Matters with Kelly Cordes” from Radio 95.3FM Intervew/Article

I got the chance to talk with Kelly Cordes live about the beginnings of my journey and more about how you can help contribute to Community Kitchen Minneapolis!

Makers of Minnesota Podcast w/ Stephanie Hansen

(Season 3 Episode 13) “Kaitlyn Luhm”

I had the chance to talk with Stephanie Hansen about my journey of selling and creating!

Voyage Minnesota Magazine

Linked is an article I was featured in to be part of for their ‘Change-Makers: Stories That inspire’ series.


NEMAA 10x10